The Coney Island Rhythm Band is a musical fusion of Adam Stivala (Jerk Boy) and Ben Garden (Grafton Primary), both with a long standing friendship and love of all things House and Nu-disco, they created the “The Coney Island Rhythm Band” during the COVID-19 lockdown as an outlet to try things they normally wouldn’t do. Somewhere they could fuse ideas that didn’t conform to their solo projects. After the success of their first release “Dancing Down The Path” which was a summer 2024 anthem played and supported by a plethora of A-list DJ’s the world over, and hit the number one spot on sales charts across stores like Beatport, Traxsource and Juno for many months and hasn’t left the top 100 for almost a year. This became the catalyst for the duo to keep working on more ideas that buzzed around in their minds. Following on with “Paradise” and a remix for “Birdee’s – Don’t You Want My Love”, They‘ve found a new groove and sound that defines what the “The Coney Island Rhythm Band” really is…. a holiday on the dance floor. Now they’ve reworked “Dancing Down The Path with a new vocal and big peak time house vibe, they’ve breathed some new life into has become a mainstay in some DJ’s set list’s