2006 – dirty south Vs Evermore ‘it’s too late’
In late November 2006 John Course and Melbourne DJ Grant Smilie – who both hosted a dance music show called Overdrive airing every Saturday night on the Nova Network, decided to run an Overdrive Live event. The line-up included Dirty South, and being the talented individual he is, Dirty made a special version of Evermore’s then Australian pop hit “It’s Too Late”. Dirty South’s rework combined elements of the original with new drums and a huge new synth riff. As John puts it “the tune was instantly massive and we immediately started clearing the vocal and original parts for a new Evermore Vs Dirty South release”. Fast forward to New Years Day 2007 and the huge Summerdayze festival was on in Melbourne’s Sidney Myer Music Bowl, the event being a massive ritual of rave with 20,000 plus clubbers in the heart of the city. Grant was DJing before the international guest, non other than Pete Tong, and he finished his set with this now massive “It’s Too Late” Evermore Vs Dirty South track. The reaction was huge to say the least yet this was a track Pete Tong had never heard before, so he instantly grabbed a copy and took it back with him to Europe where he introduced it to the world via his radio show on BBC Radio One and named it his “Essential New Tune”. It was Dirty South’s first ever play on Pete’s show, but certainly far from his last!